[] BOGRAD’s clean and simple XVM config

As you know today was release micropatch For this patcn we present new XVM config 6.8.1 from BOGRAD. It is a simple and clean XVM configuration that will like for many players. On the screenshots below you can see how to use mod.

Mod “Navigator” for World of Tanks

Finally, a new mod “Navigator” was released for World of Tanks It displays the correct routes for arrivals on a variety of plantings and mountains, which greatly simplifies their use. Mod allows the player to climb to secret positions for effective fire by means of bright trajectories on all …

Octagon sight for World of Tanks

Mod Octagon has become very popular. And it’s because it is really comfortable, but still not everyone likes it. Therefore it was decided to make a separate Octagon sights for World of Tanks All sights are operational in the new update. Below are screenshots of the sight of the …

[] Mod ‘Antitoxicity’

This mod can help you to filter: – minimap commands – battle chat – and use black-list – also can to disable warnings in the last minute of the battle – Message filter DynSquadMessages – The ability to lock teams from dead allies – and many others settings

Mod direction of the nearest enemy for WOT

A useful and convenient mod in combat. Modification will show you the direction and insistence to the enemy. If during the battle you were confused and did not notice the enemy’s advance, with the help of this mod this problem  will no longer arise you. This modification will inform you about …

[] Sword of Damokles by Alastanka v7.25 (adjustable sights)

Updated to ver. — 7.25 Updated 21.07.2017 SightsSword of Damokles are among the best for World of Tanks. This assembly includes not only the Sniper Arcade and Arty sight Sword of Damokles, but modified angles, the speed of the projectile and many other useful things.Each sight can be set individually …

Wot Fan Modpack v4 []

Hi,friends! I would like to introduce you an unique assembly of the mods Wot Fan Updated 21.07.2017 Updated to version 4 Wot Fan Mods — a popular assembly of all your favorite mods. The assembly includes a plurality of sights,sounds hangars, and other useful mods. And also a few …