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Damage panel

The most minimalist damage panel for WOT

Fans of minimalist will appreciate this mod. No more unnecessary and distracting information due to which sometimes even not see the screen and accordingly the battlefield. Only the most important and useful information. Thanks to the correct location of all modules mod is so compact. Since the module is arranged in a …

Damage panel with vertical stripe of tank strength []

Today we present you a damage panel with a vertical stripe of tank strength for WOT It immediately rushed into my eyes, because all tankers have probably already used to the standard panels with horizontal stripes strength. And this is something new and beautiful. When I installed it it was very pleased …

Damage panel “Turbo” for WOT

New update broke all damage panel so we have not added any new. Besides, we have not even adapt all mods on 100%. But it does not stand still, and we bring you a new panel damage “Turbo” for WOT The author of this panel is Andre_V. Main difference from …

Damage panel WOT

Damage panel for World of tanks Replaces the boring, not informative damage panel for new and improved, modern and simply convenient. Fully adapted for patch We decided to keep the old version without panel display information about the player who caused you harm. Maybe someone needs minimalism. Now there are …

Minimalistic blue damage panel to WOT

There was not a very long time new damage panel. To create something new and unlike any other exists is very difficult now. But it does not stop modders to create an interesting, beautiful and unique mods. This time the basis was taken already existing panel but author the minimalistic damage panel …

Damage panel Walhalla Mini for WoT

Minimalistic but  functional damage panel. The new damage panel Walhalla Min. Damage panel with the most necessary features and capabilities: – Get damage – Reload time the enemy – Information about rebounding and penetration – Displayed battle time – Large font

New minimalist damage panel to WOT 9.16

Description: New minimalist panel damage to WOT 0.9.16 helps you to free up some space on the screen. It is fit for people who play on laptops, netbooks, or simply on the screen with a small diagonal. It is made in two versions: -detailed ravine damage (bounce, no penetration, recharge …