[] WN8, EFF, XWN8 calculators and rating positions

We present to choose from a large number of modifications among which you will find something suitable for you. Another creation from author PyThOn_DeVeLoPeR. This time author offers 10 variants damage calculators, 10 variants ranking positions. Among these configurations are modifications included in such well-known assembly as ProTanki, NooBooL. If you …

Solo’s ModPack Installer v1 for

Updated 20.07.2017 Solo Modpak includes only the best modes which tested a dedicated team of testers and all crashes and bugs have been removed to a minimum. So you can rest easy and not worry that the game crashed in the midst of battle. For convenience, select the desired modifications …

1D6 XVM MODPACK v0.9.19j for WOT []

This modpack was created for private use inside the clan, for french community. But author decided to share with everyone. It is a minimalist modpack but include you will find the most useful mods. One more important features of mod is automatic installer that will alert you in game when new version is available. There are …

[] Aslain’s XVM Mod v00

Updated -09.05.2017 Aslain’s XVM Mod — the best battle modification for EU / NA server! We present you a very convenient XVM Aslain for World of Tanks Everything is thought out and tastefully done. If you do not wish to customize VCM mod, markers, mini-map, and so on, then download …

Modpack by webium v0 for WOT

Update — 09.05.2018 Update to ver.- Friends! We represent your attention a single assembly that has collected in itself is really only useful mods for World of Tanks for The list of mods is simply huge, they are all very helpful and this game, which we know it is no …

[] OMC ModPack

We present our extensive OMC MOD PACK created player Grumpelumpf. It contains 32 modes and a fully revamped VCR with many options. Mod Pack is compatible with patch Updated 09.05.2018

Mod “Timeless” for World of Tanks

To get information about player  World of Tanks you can if watch his stats. For someone this information has no value but for others – are very important. And it becomes clear why there was made mod “timeless” to display statistics for the session, on the tanks, on the maps, …

PROTanki modpack v18 for WoT

Updated — 09.05.2018 updated to ver. —18 Mod Pack from the popular YouTube channel of the game World of Tanks. The best modpack for nowadays. — Sights for World of Tanks • Standard sight with a timer reload \ Author STL1te \ • Choice of Cyril Oreshkina • Selection of …