Chameleon with 3D skins enemy’s tanks for World of tanks

We introduce mod with function to view strong and weak enemies zones. Mod Chameleon has several advantages: 1. The mod will inform player about all vulnerable places of the enemy. Bright 3D skins will show a player all weaknesses (tower, caterpillar, the roof of tank) and strong place of the tank reservation.

New line of sight Animated-6 for WOT

Updated 21/07/2017: updated scripts; Fixed setting sight in the game; Description: At our site you may have a deal with Animated-3. It is very popular and a lot of tankers use them from the patch to patch. They are very comfortable to play with them. And finally fans of this …

All anime skins assemble for all nations WOT

Today we present a full assembly of all Anime skins for all nations. Here you will find all you are interested in an option for WOT We represent not only a mod but assembly modifications inside. This assembly is the most comprehensive and large-scale assembly of Anime skins for …

[] man1aqContourMod

Here is one more versions of countour icons. Man1aqContourMod. The author made his mod for himself but decided to share with others. Changelog: – added new icon: Bat Chat 25t AP – changed around 200 filenames

Session Statistics for World of Tanks

This mod will be able to trace your skill level and skills for the period of battle. Mod Session Statistics will allow player to track his results played during all day. Mod will give the player information about the damage, the percentage of victories, glare of enemy tanks, capture and protection of …

Forbidden autoaim “Vanga” for WOT

Today we present an improved cheat autoaim «Vanga» for WOT The feature of forbidden mods is their significant advantage during the battle. Autoaim from Vanga is completely prohibited modification, which greatly simplifies your game especially from mod «X-ray».

Mod “Automatic fire extinguisher” for WOT

Today we present you mod that will be very useful, mod that save lot of silver and time for you. Fire extinguishers that are useful in time of fire engine or transmission can be purchased in 2 ways. The price of first — 3,000 thousand silver coins. It is a …

Modpack from Vspishka v4 []

Custom installation the following mods: Updated 21.07.2017 In the battle: 1. The minimalist sight «Vspishka» with one-second reloading 2. Scope Shadow Removal 3. Displays the time of recharge guns chatting 4. Smart minimap.