
Dear tankers! December 16th was started new update for version This happened because of the new shares, and cause failure of all mods. New share called “New Year offensive” and began on December 16th and will last until January 16th. Players will need to have 10 level and each achievement to receive the …

[0.9.17] German voice Siegfried from Strategic Music for WoT

Unconventional and comic voice from Strategic Music which called Siegfried. Tankers, it is time to remember the lessons of German in school. We offer interesting and unusual voice from the famous Strategic Music Studio. Comic, bright and saturated sound. But despite this, guys seriously reacted to the work, as always. To …

Сheat autoaim Pro Aim for World of Tanks

The newest cheat autoaim Pro Aim with feedforward for World of Tanks will help you to improve  accuracy of fire on all types of tanks. The main advantages of autoaim cheat – an excellent algorithm for calculating the trajectory of enemy movement for shooting for feedforward , which takes into account …

Peqpepu icons of tank for WOT 9.17

Colored icons of tank with 3D images for patch 9.17. Another work from author Peqpepu, we recently show you colored tanks icons. The feature of this mod is that in addition to the names of the tanks which are separated by color also were added 3 D images. You can also add your …

Mod voice recharging for WoT 0.9.17

Here is a convenient voice mod of gun recharging which can be combined with all the mods and voices. Authors of mod are popular players and modders Ekspoint and Andre_V. The main function of mod is to inform the player about the readiness to fire. Now about the end of charge and ready to …

Mod “Wide border of maps” World of Tanks 0.9.17

Adding to the ranks of the mods for minimaps. With each new update increases the quality and imagination of modders. As you know the purpose of mod is to be useful and functional in the battle. So today we bring you a new and useful mod. Mod «Wide border of …