When will start update 0.9.18?

Finally we known date of new update 9.18. There was a news that the update will first be released on the North American server, as there are a lot of changes and the developers first want to run it on a smaller region than Russian (meaning the number of players …

Video about update 9.18

Update 9.18 promises to be large-scale and full of pleasant surprises. Developers this time listened the wishes of the players. This time we can expect such changes as: – A reworked balancer. Now players will get into the fight by completely new rules and criteria. The situation when there are …

Common test for patch 9.18

Improved balancer, light tanks of the tenth level, a new role of artillery, updated rules for the formation of platoons, more than twenty tanks in HD-quality – all this is now in common test for update 9.18. How to download? 1. Download the special installer. 2. Install the test client …

[9.17.1] Apollo’s modpack v2.0.2

Excellent cheat modpack with legal and prohibited mods from Apollo for World of Tanks Modpack is equipped with a convenient installer. You can choose only those mods that you need.

WoT Replay Analyzer

Updated — 08.04.2017 Updated to version — 1 Hello everybody! I would like to present you a WoT Replay Analyzer Full Rus the coolest program for replays. WoT Replay Analyzer Full Rus is the best program for replays nowadays. Author program is Aim_Drol. This program can help you …

[9.17.1] Helpics Modpack v2.1.1 for World of Tanks

One of the most popular prohibited modpack. All most useful and functional modifications are there. All very important cheat modifications you can be find in this modpack. This modpack can help you to win. There are such mods: – Tundra – Shadow tanks

[9.17.1] MeltyMap’s MathMod blue sight for WoT

MeltyMap’sMathMod features: — Minimalistic, Futuristic and Effective design — Auto-configurable DAR system for Strategic mode — Dynamic speed threshold circle with loading indicator — Dynamic speed threshold circle for arcade and sniper mode — Dynamic speed threshold circles for strategic mode, with size dependable of map scale and current zoom …

Sight “Hyperion” for World of Tanks

New sight with plenty of opportunities. Long time we did not please our tankers new sights. But today we have such opportunity, we introduce sight “Hyperion” from Billroy. The author has developed a scope with a mass of useful features and benefits. Firstly mod will provide player information  about enemy distance, …

[9.18] Mod 6th senses in the form of Simon cat WOT

Today surprise or even interest player lamp sixth sense is not so simple. A variety of images: funny, scary, stylish and thematic. But all of this is no longer relevant. Pop-up picture – is past, today has becoming popular animated images. Images that appear after your glare, and their movements …