Hardscope for World of Tanks historic sights

Updated — 23.07.2017
Adaptation to
Added the ability to customize the sight in the game;
Hardscope for WOT— a set which included 14 grids for a variety of historical sights. If you want to feel like aiming our grandparents during the Second World War, be sure to install them.

Despite its historicity, they do not interfere with successful play, because all that derive the necessary information that other sights:

-recharge time
-indicator penetration
If you are approached historical sights for World of Tanks and want something that is more modern please check out our section sights for World of Tanks.

Copy the folder res & res_mods in the game folder!

Configuration File sight look here: World_of_Tanks / res_mods / gui / scaleform / HARDscopeSetting.xml.


hardscope (1MB)

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