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Mods World of Tanks

Sniper zoom mod for sight х30 WOT []

With increasing accuracy sniper zoom mod has become integral part of mods for each tanker. Now you can make a closer sniper scope x8 not as standard but much more on x30, which will be enough to see the enemy at long range and successfully make a shot. In addition, if …

An expanded zoom mod for World of Tanks

Zoom mod likes many tankers and almost no one does not imagine a game without this important element. Remove the camera and see the whole picture from far away, or bring your camera in the vicinity of the enemy to consider – all this is now possible thanks to the …

Damage Indicator “Predator” for World of Tanks

Damage Indicator “Predator” for World of Tanks show you the direction from which was the fire on you. It made in red semicircle with irregularities and the central index, which helps you more accurately determine where you are shooting on. Because of its color well marked on any maps. Compatible …

MeltyMap’s MathMod for WoT

Update: 23.07.2017 Here is the first test version MeltyMap’s Math Mod MeltyMap’sMathMod is a useful and functional mod. It is one of the most favourite gamer«s mod. MeltyMap’s Math Mod includes: – Minimalistic, Futuristic and Effective design – Auto-configurable DAR system for Strategic mode – Dynamic speed threshold …

[] Zoom x60 mod in sight for WOT

Zoom mod is one of the most important elements for a successful battle. If opponent is far away and you are not sure that you can get into it then zoom mod help you. Zoom mod can approach and delete, if necessary, a camera in sight. We offer mod with zoom up …

Improved shells panel for World of Tanks

As you know the standard version of the shells panels are not perfect and does not fit everyone. Today, we offer an upgraded version of it. Our version is more enhanced and sophisticated. Firstly change with fonts. If you play on the big screen, or you have poor vision – …

Mod: “I am Spotted” for WoT

Useful and informative mod “I am Spotted” for WoT This mod will be usefull for you because with the message it will inform you if you are spotted and you will have a time to run. Mod: “I am Spotted” for World of Tanks Author: S0me0ne & BlueW0at. …

Mod “Navigator” for World of Tanks

Finally, a new mod “Navigator” was released for World of Tanks It displays the correct routes for arrivals on a variety of plantings and mountains, which greatly simplifies their use. Mod allows the player to climb to secret positions for effective fire by means of bright trajectories on all …