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Minimalistic damage panel Mini Steel for WOT

Convenient and useful damage panel witch called Mini Steel for WOT The main task this damage panel is to inform player about his machine. To inform quickly and correctly. All relevant information should be displayed on the screen in such a way that would not interfere with tanker to fight. …

Compact damage panel Bionick for laptops WOT

Compact Bionick panel WOT laptops – well- known damage panel, but this time in a reduced form. Many tankers are fans of this panel, but the last time there were many complaints about its size. Our team decided to listen to their audience and reduce the size of the …

Minimalistic damage panel WOT

The standard version of the damage panel has to be fed. If you want to replace it then this option is for you. Many players prefer minimalism –  such a mod today we represent. The panel, which looks beautiful and convenient to not display. But also you will know about damage …

The most minimalist damage panel for WOT

Fans of minimalist will appreciate this mod. No more unnecessary and distracting information due to which sometimes even not see the screen and accordingly the battlefield. Only the most important and useful information. Thanks to the correct location of all modules mod is so compact. Since the module is arranged in a …

[0.9.17] German voice Siegfried from Strategic Music for WoT

Unconventional and comic voice from Strategic Music which called Siegfried. Tankers, it is time to remember the lessons of German in school. We offer interesting and unusual voice from the famous Strategic Music Studio. Comic, bright and saturated sound. But despite this, guys seriously reacted to the work, as always. To …

Sixth Sense Siren (voice) WOT 0.9.17

This mod is an effective that with it you will always know that you are in glare and you have a time to escape. Also you will know how long will light your tank. Mod representated in 4 versions, so it will not get tired quickly. Author of mod are Andre_V and  wow-clear.

Baztens ModPack for WOT [9.17]

Hi, there! We present you one more modpack. Baztens ModPack Updated — 12.12.2016 Baztens ModPack is interesting mod and and accurately will find the consumer. Despite the fact that mod is only 14 MB it includes all the basic and necessary mods for successful game.Such as:

9.17 WoT ModPack By Zielony V.0

About 20 cheat mods inside: – X-ray mod – Safeshot – Lazers – Tundra – inimap Gun Direction – Red Pole – Mod Shadow – RN mods – Fire Extinguisher – Something was hit – Briken Destructibles Also you will have opportunity to install all modpack or separated mods.

Real bans for cheats

A long promising bans for cheating were assessed all lovers of forbidden mods. For many years, we constantly hear about punishment for using prohibited mods, but did not see it in action. Constant warnings about block accounts or ban for use mods that clearly betray the player all of this …