Author ProTanki scope for WoT

Hi, tankers! I want to introduce you Author ProTanki scope for WoT All players are well acquainted with ProTanki ModPack. This Modpack is one of the most popular and beloved mods for all tankers. To represent this mod is not necessary. The same applies to the sight ProTanki for …

ModPack from Amway921 v3 for World of Tanks

Updated to version 21.07.2017 v1: We represent your attention new version ModPack from Amway921 for World of Tanks And here you would know what changed: -XVM updated to stable version; -updated P-mode; -Updated radial menu; -Updated improved display shells; Description: Mod Packs from Amway are those modpacks with whom …

XVM from Ms Ramis for World of Tanks

Here is an interesting variant  XVM from Ms_Ramis with additional features and capabilities. XVM – is one of the most useful and popular mods for World of Tanks. Today we present XVM mod but redesigned and improved from Ms_Ramis. Changes were the following parameters:

Destroyed objects on the minimap for World of Tanks

Mod, which will help you to find enemies. This modification is part of the most popular cheat modpacks. But now you can install only one mod separately. Mod destroyed objects on a mine map will analyze and calculate enemies mistakes. If the opponent was not careful and hurt or destroyed …

Mod SafeShot

Hi,there! Here is a new useful mod for you. Updated — 21.07.2017 Do you want be the beat in the game? So this mod is for you.This mod is important because it has the opportunity to destroy the enemy shot. It is blocked for two seconds in order not to …

[] J1mB0’s Crosshair Mod v1.14 for WoT

Update — Update to ver. 1.14 We introduce you useful and interesting J1mB0’s Crosshair Mod v1.14 for WoT. Author: J1mB091 This mod is interesting and popular. Changelog in v1.14 — World of Tanks v0. supported

Mod Laser Pointer for World of Tanks

Forbidden mod, that will help you to avoid falling into you. The modification, which refers to the list of prohibited mods from the WG. All responsibility for use of mod rests on the player. Do not show screenshots and replays online. The essence of mod is very simple and practical. Mod will show the direction …

[] Mod “X-ray” for WOT

Here is one more effective mod. Mod «X-ray» for WOT. This mod is an analogue of the very popular mod for gamers «Tundra». This modification gives a great advantage to the user in the game therefore refers to the classification of Prohibited modes or so called cheats mods. So if …

Forbidden modpack “WOTSPEAK” v4 for WOT

Tankers! Today we present for you not only a good modpack but one of the best prohibited modpack. Forbidden modpack “WOTSPEAK”. More detail about assembly you will find on our site. Updated 09/05/2018 Changelog: – Updated XVM – Updated mod “repair + Treatment” – Updated icons «3D Demon icons” – Added mod “Hangar Manager” …