[9.15.1] Hitzones from Jove for WoT

Meet universal and informative Hitzones by Jove for World of Tanks 9.15.1 Friends! Mod Hitzones by Jove is fully equipped assembly of skins all tanks, which will demonstrate strong and weak points of enemy tank by colors. There are more than 300 different tanks in the game World of Tanks, which have its own hit zones. Starting …

Mod “Efficiency calculator” for WOT

Do you want to monitor its effectiveness for the team during the battle? Then download and install this mod. changes — Fixed calculation of the average damage (macro {AVGDAMAGE}); — Added macro {colorAVGDAMAGE} — for dynamic color changes; — Added color setting for AVGDAMAGE in the colors section; — Change …

Sound mod Disco Casanova for World of Tanks

Sound mod Casanova Disco for World of Tanks embellish the gameplay and make it more diverse. After listening this tracks during the battle  you will have an additional adrenaline and you can win even in the most difficult battles. In this mod gathered a large number of hit 90th with a …

Music in battle from “Audiomachine” for WOT

Here is inspiring voice from Audiomachine studio specifically for WOT Studio «Audiomachine» is well-know because of their quality work and professionalism. Today we present another masterpiece from the group. Epic selection for players world of tanks in battle and hangar. It’s not just  voice mod, but a whole collection …

Update 9.15.1. Release

Friends! We are happy to inform you, if everything will be good, June 19th we will have another new update from Wargaming. Update version 9.15.1 will have the following changes and improvements: – Sound when glare enemy – Sound when ally has dead – Tank Lorraine 40t replaced by Bat.-Châtillon 25 t AP. …

Hangar “football field” for World of Tanks

We offer a new, sporty hangar which called “football field” for World of Tanks In category hangars, you can find a large selection of hangars on different themes: holidays, topics or seasons. But today we offer new and unusual hangar. Specially for football fans and lovers of tanks we offer a …

Update 9.15.1. Common Test

Today, June 23rd, came a common test for update  9.15.1. If you are logged in game before June 15th, 2016 you can play on the test server and test new update. For this you need to download special installer. Because of large number people may be a queue.

Big minimap without XVM for WOT

We introduce a mini map with the ability to make a big, when you press key CTRL left. The ability to do a big is not only one advantage of mod. Mine map will display the name of the tanks, the last place of glare enemy. Also depending on the type of  technique …