Damage panel from Maks5187 for World of Tanks

We offer a reworked damage panel from Gambiter. Tankers! On the internet we found interesting and useful modification from category damage panels. We offer a reworked damage panel from Gambiter, but with interesting variations. The author of modifying is player under the nickname Maks5187.

[] 3D icons from Demon2597 for World of Tanks

Here is another version of  icons that has already liked for many tankers. Author of mod is Demon2597. Informative, bright, noticeable icons, which will be indispensable in the battle. Author added tank icons, also you can remove mirroring, using the settings. But if you have enabled XVM you must disable mirroring its files (battle.xc).

Realisticm guns sounds World of Tanks

Realistic gun sound for World of Tanks – replaces the standard gun sound on new, more realistic sounds. During each shot, you will hear a powerful shot of your tank, from which the sound is heard over long distances. Watch the video! Shots from the top guns on heavy tanks …

Yet Another Contour Mod []

Here is great version of contor mods.  Author is Panzerleiter. How mod looks you can see in the screenshots below. They are very popular amon the players. You can take the diaphanousness as far as you want.

Mod of combat interface from zayaz for World of Tanks

Hi,everyone! We introduce you an irreplaceable damage panel from Zayaz. Mod of combat interface from zayaz for World of Tanks — is a mod which is popular not only among the players but also the mod makers. Mod from zayaz included in the assembly of many popular modpack.

Calculator of tank arm in the hangar for World of Tanks 0.9.19

Recently appeared mod ProTanki to  World of Tanks 0.9.19 which allows you to check the thickness of the armor at a certain point. The show is performed directly in the hangar. The usefulness of armor calculator is difficult to overestimate, it is one of the most important characteristics of the machine in …

Damage panel from Bionick for World of Tanks 0.9.19

Updated — 31.05.2017 Damage panel from Bionick for World of Tanks 0.9.19 — is an interesting and functional panel. Damage panel from Bionick for World of Tanks 0.9.19 — is an interesting and convenient panel which, by the way, includes to ProTanki modpack. This panel replaced not beautiful standard picture …

Zoom mod 0.9.19 ( camera maximum distancing)

Hello friends! I present to you Zoom mod 0.9.19 Mod for real professionals. Zoom mod 0.9.19 — is a mod that will raise your camera to the maximum distance. It is a mod that allows see fight map from a big distance. You can also see the enemy, and its position as …