Mod of combat interface from zayaz for World of Tanks

We introduce you an irreplaceable damage panel from Zayaz.

Mod of combat interface from zayaz for World of Tanks — is a mod which is popular not only among the players but also the mod makers. Mod from zayaz included in the assembly of many popular modpack.

Although that the mods of zayaz long time have not been updated mod fans continued to wait for it with hope. And have waited.
Mod has a number of advantages: a different arrangement of indicators, the strength of the band moved to the center of the screen, other indicators were left, added output nick shoot at your opponent by pressing the Alt, and the possibility to be repaired and the crew treated by pressing CTRL, which is very attracted by tankers.


Copy this folders and the configs in / WOT / res_mods /, confirming a replacement.


damagepanel_zayaz (2 MB)

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