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Damage panel

Transparent damage panel Neon for WOT

If you want to know all the damage that the enemy gives you – we offer excellent damage panel Neon for World of Tanks With the help of this panel you will know the status of your tank’s armor Also for your convenience mod has many advantages: – Name the type …

The damage panel from GambitER (DamageLog) []

Updated to version 23/07/2017: Added panel damage with a repair timer module (placed on top of the log of the damage); Description: The damage panel from GambitER (DamageLog) [] is cheat panel. Because it has a countdown timer recharge shoot at the enemy and you With this information you can …

Damage panel “Harpoon” for WOT

We are introducing a new and modern mod for category “damage panel”. This damage panel will able to surprise you. Many tankers well known and successfully used a battle interface which called “Harpoon”. The structure of this mod includes a wide variety of useful modifications. For example, angel, drums, sight and …

Damage panel BioNick in gray for WOT

Well-known damage panel BioNick for WOT The silver style. This mod is not only decorates your battle interface and adds ease and comfortable during the inspection of your injuries, travel speed, and others.

Rabbit Damage Panel 9.19.1

Updated — 14.07.2017 Author: Dellux. Panel damage is compatible with WoT Also in the panel used a variety of the work of other authors for what I express gratitude to them: coldrabbit (basic texture panel), marsoff (icons and fire crew), 7serafim7 (animation of fire), zayaz (connection config), HellCatShi (vector …

Damage panel Techno for World of Tanks

Excellent panel of damages “Techno” for World of Tanks. Damage panel Techno differs from many existing panels with a beautiful design that fits perfectly into your interface, it will replace the standard panel in the game with a more improved version. Modules, as well as icons, the crews were not …

Damage panel from Maks5187 for World of Tanks

We offer a reworked damage panel from Gambiter. Tankers! On the internet we found interesting and useful modification from category damage panels. We offer a reworked damage panel from Gambiter, but with interesting variations. The author of modifying is player under the nickname Maks5187.

Mod of combat interface from zayaz for World of Tanks

Hi,everyone! We introduce you an irreplaceable damage panel from Zayaz. Mod of combat interface from zayaz for World of Tanks — is a mod which is popular not only among the players but also the mod makers. Mod from zayaz included in the assembly of many popular modpack.