Sight “Modern” for World of Tanks 0.9.13

Friends! Here is a new crosshair in category sights. Today we have prepared for you new and interesting sight «Modern». Tankers! As you know useful, pleasant and informative scope is the key to success. Today we present you a new and exciting sight «Modern». In archive there are sniper and …

[0.9.13] Server sight +4 Zoom Cameras

Tankers! I am sure that we all remember times when using some key combinations you have the opportunity to use the standard crosshair and a special server, which was more accurate in combat. Now unfortunately, this feature is not available for use the players but if you setting this mod …

[0.9.14] The old set of sights for World of Tanks

Today we present a rare sights. This assembly was one of the first developments modders. As you know all long-forgotten in past is a good present. For all experienced gamers we offer to feel a sense of nostalgia and remember for a long time unadapted Old set of sights for …

[0.9.14] The irreplaceable set of sights for World of Tanks

Among the huge selection of different sights we present varient worthy of your attention. There are sights in the sight category, scopes that have a lot of advantages. Each sight special because it has its advantages. What can be better than the set of the best useful and functional scopes. …

Hangar to Thanksgiving Day “Autumn” for 0.9.12

Updated 05/12/2015: adapted to 0.9.12; Description: Hangar Thanksgiving Day 0.9.12. This specially modified hangar that will motivate you to win and lift your spirits at the right time. Immerse you and your tank into a beautiful colors of autumn. Very nice hangar!

Old basic / premium hangar for 0.9.12

Updated 05/12/2015: adapted to 0.9.12; Description: As you all know, in patch 0.9.0 the developers have completely changed the kind of hangar, as a premium, and the base. Many people did not like it, especially the new premium hangar. Therefore developers decided to return the old basic / premium hangar …

Holiday hangar on the May 9 [0.9.10]

Updated 07/09/2015: adapted to 0.9.10; Description: New holiday hangar on the May 9 [0.9.10] will take your tank in the post-war city with broken houses and destroyed tanks. In addition to the hangar, you can also install and sounds of victory.

The hangar in a style of summer for World of Tanks 0.9.10

Updated 08/09/2015: adapted to 0.9.10; Description: The hangar in a style of summer for World of Tanks 0.9.10 will help you to recover those wonderful days of summer. Beautiful, colorful, old hangar, exactly what is needed now in the cold and rainy autumn days. This hangar is taken from a …