[9.15.1] Standard Sight + Sight “ala Vspishka”

Today we are glad to introduce you useful and functional scope with a wide choice of possibilities. The sight has a lot of advantages that will  you are irreplaceable in battle. Introduce Standard Sight  + sight “ala Vspishka” 9.15.1 Tankers! On our site there are a large variety of different sights to …

[] Calculator WN8, EFF, XWN8 position and ratings

We present to choose from a large number of modifications among which you will find something suitable for youself. One more creation from author PyThOn_DeVeLoPeR. At this time author offers 10 varians damage calculators , 10 variants ranking positions. Among these configurations are included modification of such well-known assemblies as ProTanki, NooBooL. If …

Mod showing the time and date in battle 9.15.1

Do you want to set the clock, the date and time before the end of the fight? All these modifications can be found here! It is not separate mod it is whole assembly with many versions to choose from. You will have the opportunity to instal such modifications: – clock – date – …

Tanks hit zones mod [9.15.1]

French tech tree: AMX M4 (1945), AMX 50 100, AMX 50 120, AMX 50 B, Lorraine 40t, Bat-Chatillon 25t, AMX50 Foch, AMX AC Mle1948, AMX Foch 155, Ac Mle 1946, ARL 44, AMX 13 90, BDR G1B, AMX40, AMX 38, Hotchkiss H35, B1

SFs Damage received log [9.15.1]

Hi, there! We present for you new mod SFs Damage received log The author of the mod is SeaFalcon The basis of this mod was taken and translated into the official Damage Panel from GambitER This mod has XVM, Kodos‘ XVM and hitlog. Here is also different a damage panel …

Zone penetration of fuel tanks for World of Tanks

Skins tanks with distinguished areas of penetration of fuel tanks. The easiest and most effective way to destroy an enemy tank — is its inflammation. The fuel tank comes with a breakout of 1-2 in the correct zone. After a fire damaged the other modules until the complete destruction of …

Weak Spots MOD for WoT

In this mod you will find out all weak tanks spots Updated —10/06/2016 Hi, tankers! Today we introduce you useful and necessary mod for all beginners and undescribed players. Mod Weak Spots Tanks for WOT 9.15.This mod will be inform player about all weak points of the tank, the modules …

Sights Animated-3 for WOT

Here is new and improved sights Animated-3 for WOT Updated 10/06/2016 Sights Animated-3 for WOT is an interesting and unusual sights. Scope Animated-3 easy to use due to its color, translucent blue. Mod offers only the information you need for the game. Also mod has beautiful animation without impacting …