Update 9.15.1

Was came supertest for new update 9.15.1. Tankers! In June, we will have a new update for World of Tanks 9.15.1 (the exact date will report a little later). In this update, there will be changes and additions: – Work servers will more stable – More natural will effects of tanks friction …

New French tank – Somua SM

We introduce new performance characteristics and booking premium French tank. In one of next update will be available a special a premium heavy tank of France, 8th level. The tank will be called Somua SM. We offer to see performance, design and external views of the tank.

Tank icons xobotyi for World of Tanks

Contour icons of tanks from xobotyi for World of Tanks We represent one of the most popular contour icons in the World of Tanks. Author of Icon are xobotyi and YHKEP. Icons from xobotyi look on the screen is not overloaded and display maximum useful information.

New hangar interface for WOT

Today we introduce new, style hangar interface for your favorite game World of Tanks. Especially for updates we present a new, redesigned and very stylish interface hangar. Author of mod is KutuzoFFF_22rus. Now hangar looks much more interesting and original. Not very bright but stylish design in blue – gray colors.

ManiacMouse’s XVM Config []

Hi, there! We would like to introduce you new mod ManiacMouse’s XVM Config ManiacMouse’s XVM Config will be useful for you because it has a lot of useful and necessary things in battle. For example: — Coloured tank icons — Sixth Sense mod with sound — Zoom Out mod — …

[] Counter of damage for battle in WoT

All important information about battle player can only get at the end of the battle. But agree it is not very convenient and practical. Now you will be able to know about results damage log during the battle. It is very stimulating and informs for player. You can control the level of your game.

The damage mod at the top of the screen World of Tanks

Updated 12/06/2016: XVM is updated to version 6.3.2; removed departures client; Description: It was always interesting to know how much damage you nastrelyal directly in combat. The damage mod at the top of the screen World of Tanks shows the total amount of damage caused by you in battle.

Prohibited ModPack from DRAUG for World of tanks

Modpack from DRAUG — it is a minimalist assembly only the most relevant, useful prohibited and official mods. The biggest advantage of modpacks is its versatility because only modpacks includes all the most necessary modifications, from the sights and panel damage ending zoom mods.


Today has came micropatch, which added a new modes in the game. Now mod install you need in folder but not 0.9.15 in the otherwise they will not work. If  after today’s update for unknown reasons, the game crashes, try to clear its cache. Then download the script  and run, after restart game. …