Modpack from AnTiNooB World of Tanks 0.9.16

Hi, tankers! We present you excellent modpack from AnTiNooB with lots of useful mods There are 33 very «strong», informative mods included in ModPak from AnTiNooB. Assembling mods is divided into three parts. First wrapped in a user-friendly installer, the second is in archive and the third was created from …

New damage panel with recharge time for WoT 0.9.16

Many tankers used to the fact that the recharging time is displayed at sight. But if it is not very comfortable for you, we offer another option. New, improved damage panel from Merklar. Now your recharge time will be displayed on the damaged panel, plus beautiful animation, which will visually demonstrate …

[0.9.16] Mod “The armor learning in the hangar” for WOT

For all professionals, strategists and players simply want to improve their skills in combat we present mod «The armor learning in the hangar». With this mod you will always know all the weaknesses and impenetrable tank space. Mod «The armor learning in the hangar»is one of the numerous and useful …

6 senses for WoT 9.16

Sixth sense for World of Tanks 0.9.16. The archive option for users XVM and for those who have not installed XVM. Author: McDomo

Sixth sense “Warheads” for WOT 0.9.16

Meet! «Warheads» for WOT 0.9.16 sixth sense mod This mod will help you to see danger awaiting for you. Mod «Warheads» for WOT 0.9.16 will be able visually to warn you about the imminent release of shells that await you if you do not escape immediately.

Lamp of 6 senses from Witblitz for World of Tanks 0.9.16

Hello everybody! We present to you an interesting mod 6 senses from Witblitz for World of Tanks 0.9.16. Author of mod is Witblitz. This mod is an interesting fact that it is presented in 18 different lamp versions. Therefore, you have the opportunity to find something to your taste. The mod is fully compatible …

Set of bulbs sixth sense “Halloween” 9.16

Author: Farser, Frant Description: 5 bulbs for the ability to «The Sixth Sense» — announce the discovery of your tanks. The archive 2 versions: for those who is XVM mod and for those who do not use it. Installation: Place the folders «gui» in this way: World_of_Tanks \ res_mods \ …

[0.9.16] Received Damage Announcer

Here is a useful mod that will become indispensable in your fight. Upgrading to version 9.16 Change — Fixed all the bugs Here is a useful mod that will become indispensable in the fight. The main purpose of this mod is to show you how games shot in battle. You …

Minimalistic XVM for WOT []

For those who does not like  much clutter on their screen but need mod we present Minimalistic XVM. The author made this mod for himself but desided to share with everyone. Author keeping only the most useful information: ratings and colors. There are 10 colors which devided into 2 groups light and dark.

Supertest for patch 0.9.16

At the end of this week was came supertest for update 9.16 – it means only one thing, after 1-2 weeks will release version 9.16. What we can expect in this new version? – The first Swedish tank Strv m / 42-57 Alt A.2 – Improvements received map “Paris”, which had previously …