HD minimap for World of Tanks 0.9.17

Hi, tankers! I would like to show you a quality HD mini map for World of Tanks 0.9.17 As you already known the owners of weak PCs can not waste their computer resources so that why all minimaps are not made in a very good expansion and quality. What about …

[9.17] Mod “Enemy Fire”

There is an adding to the category sound. Mod — voice «Enemy Fire»” for World of Tanks. The name of this mod speaks for itself. If you installing this mod you will always be informed about the arson attack your opponent by you. Fun music, cool phrases, blazing tank of …

Hangar “Poppy field” for World of Tanks 0.9.17

Updated 13/12/2016: Adaptation to 0.9.17; added original voice to the hangar; Description: Here is the new premium hangar Poppy Niva for World of Tanks 0.9.17 from Wargaming. It will be visible only to Premium Account. It is almost the end of the autumn now, and sometimes you want to return …

[0.9.17] 3D tank icons like in Black_Spy

The author decided to make the icons from the lesson  Black_Spy. He did the same in Photoshop. He did not display, each pixel in the topic, so in game it almost no difference. The difference is only one: transparency. There is transparency only 25%. In Koksinator much more. The author made it three days. …

[0.9.17] Camouflage icons for hangar + premium tank icons

UPD 12.12.2016 updated icons for patch 0.9.17 Camouflage icons for the carousel, research, etc. At each branch of nation is own camouflage, which helps to better navigate in the carousel to find the correct tanks. Added Light version with low-contrast  and low brightness, for those who play with the “Gamma” by …

WOT developers use cheats themselves

One of the WOT developers was cheating. Developer World of Tanks under the nickname Fadalmahr show video but attentive tankers immediately saw in replay at least one cheat – Tundra. Of course this “hero” and his friends began to fight fiercely in the forum. But fortunately it should be noted the administration does not make …

New tank STRV S-1

Here is a new information from Supertest – has began testing the first premium tank destroyer from Sweden branch. It will be tank 8th level, with a characteristic hydro-pneumatic suspension. This machine will be similar to the tank Destroyer 9 th and 10 th levels, taking into STRV S1 level. It will be …

[9.17] AIOMOD v – XVM Build 4987

Hello, everyone! We present you one more ModPack AIOMOD v6.1.6.1 – XVM Build 4935 It is versatile and useful modpack the assembly of which includes popular mods,J1mB0s Crosshairs, XVM Full, Max Zoom Arcade + Arty, Accurate Damage Indicator, Custom sixth sense indicator,Garage and many others