[] sela’s mods v1

Hi, there! We would like to introduce you new sela’s mods v9.17.1 Updated 01.03.2017 Changelog v9.17.1 — Updated for 9.17.1 Sela’s mods are functional and interesting modpack which is devided into 2 parts. The first part( main) has such mods: — XVM 6.5.5 — Locastan’s HD Minimaps (Maps Only) — …

[9.17.1] FD’s modpack v1.95 for World of Tanks

FD’s modpack is also called Frost_DeatH. It is small assembly but with all necessary and useful mods in inside. The author cares at his modpack and includes the most modern and necessary modifications there. Modpack officially allowed developers. What mods can players expect  in the modpack?

Show Vehicle. Unique mod for WOT 9.17.1

Tankers! We are pleased to introduce you a unique and very special mod for WOT 9.17.1 ShowVehicle. This is unique because it will be able to show you models of tanks which are not in the hangar. Show Vehicle is a mod that differs from other mods. If the main aim …

Mod “antitoxic” for World of Tanks

In the latest update World of Tanks developers began to listen requests of their players. One of the innovations in tne game was off chat because of the “smart” ideas allies that constantly distracted from the game. But modders in their desire to improve the game client will still go a …

Superior sight Atotik for World of Tanks

On the one hand, the standard sight is taken as basis, the most ordinary, the sight with which the players played locations World of Tanks. On the other hand, it has some minor but noticeable enough, supplements. And the sight, so familiar, begins to look in a fight already quite different.

Minimalistic damage panel Mini for WOT

For those who want to get rid of the standard damage panel and get in return is virtually invisible version with many useful functions, we can recommend to test in action minimalist damage panel Mini for World of Tanks Instead of the gray square is constantly looming in front of …

The damage panel from Skyrim for WOT

IMPORTANT! This is a beta version of the damage panel you must set all files you with replacement or otherwise the panel will not work! We offer damage panel from Skyrim for WOT which can hook your attention . It completely copies Skyrim game interface and made in the same style. All modules …

The damage panel from KobkaG for WOT

We present an interesting mod. The damage panel from KobkaG for WOT Updated 22/02/2017 Version 1.4: The damage panel from KobkaG for WOT is really convenient panel. This mod is work of two authors Gambiter and KobkaG. This panel has own advantages: — The ability to treat the …