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XVM World of Tanks

[] BOGRAD’s clean and simple XVM config

As you know today was release micropatch For this patcn we present new XVM config 6.8.1 from BOGRAD. It is a simple and clean XVM configuration that will like for many players. On the screenshots below you can see how to use mod.

XVM from Ms Ramis for World of Tanks

Here is an interesting variant  XVM from Ms_Ramis with additional features and capabilities. XVM – is one of the most useful and popular mods for World of Tanks. Today we present XVM mod but redesigned and improved from Ms_Ramis. Changes were the following parameters:

[] Aslain’s XVM Mod v00

Updated -09.05.2017 Aslain’s XVM Mod — the best battle modification for EU / NA server! We present you a very convenient XVM Aslain for World of Tanks Everything is thought out and tastefully done. If you do not wish to customize VCM mod, markers, mini-map, and so on, then download …

[] XVM Config by Bones

UPDATE 13.06.2017 Updated to XVM ver 6.7.3, for WoT Hi tankers! I would like to introduce you XVM Config from Bones updated to ver. 6.7.3 It is universal mod witch gather all the best ideas from all existing configs.

J1mB0’s XVM Config 6.7.2 []

Hi, tankers! Here is a usefulJ1mB0’s XVM Config 6.7.2 XVM Config 6.7.2 J1mB0 is a configuration that includes a mini-map, HitLog, damage panel and its settings. changes in version 6.7.2 — World of Tanks v9.19.0.1 supported

WoW style XVM 9.18

Here is one more mod for you. WoW style XVM 9.18 This is a full XVM configuration designed to make efficiency colors like in a Warcraft’s. Player efficiency will be colored with the World of Warcraft’s default quality (rarity) ratings, like below:

[0.9.18] XVM KISS Interface

Updated — 01.05.2017 Updated to 0.9.18 Grandpa’s KISS Interface Uses the latest version of the XVM KISS Interface Features: — Using XVM Client 6.1.6 fully customizable in the XVM.xvmconf file. — Custom Over Taget Markers (OTM) via XVMConf, stock markers can be used — Custom minimap via XVMConf, stock minimap …

Benoz’s XVM Config for WoT [9.18]

Hi, tankers! We have good mod for you!Benoz’s XVM Config. This mod has such mods: — Statistics Panel(You’re able to manage your efficiency-Rating, Win/Lose Ratio and your WN8 Rating) — Session Statistics(It shows your WN8, WN6 and Efficiency Rating from the battles played on this particular day) — Minimap (you …

[] XVM + XVM configuration from demon2597 WOT

We introduce XVM assembly  + XVM configuration from demon2597: everything you need for a successful game. This modification can change the interface in battle. All settings have been changed: minimap,  damage,  damage log, lists players on the team, game statistics, etc. Now you easy, simple, and convenient to manage your interface. All necessary …