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Master Ambush mod for WOT 0.9.18

Here is a mod for automatically calculate chance for glare after the shot [Master Ambush] for WOT 0.9.18. This is the first mod which will show you whether your tank glare after the shot or not. At the moment, it has no analogue. While it is not prohibited and can be used …

WoW style XVM 9.18

Here is one more mod for you. WoW style XVM 9.18 This is a full XVM configuration designed to make efficiency colors like in a Warcraft’s. Player efficiency will be colored with the World of Warcraft’s default quality (rarity) ratings, like below:

[0.9.18] XVM KISS Interface

Updated — 01.05.2017 Updated to 0.9.18 Grandpa’s KISS Interface Uses the latest version of the XVM KISS Interface Features: — Using XVM Client 6.1.6 fully customizable in the XVM.xvmconf file. — Custom Over Taget Markers (OTM) via XVMConf, stock markers can be used — Custom minimap via XVMConf, stock minimap …

Benoz’s XVM Config for WoT [9.18]

Hi, tankers! We have good mod for you!Benoz’s XVM Config. This mod has such mods: — Statistics Panel(You’re able to manage your efficiency-Rating, Win/Lose Ratio and your WN8 Rating) — Session Statistics(It shows your WN8, WN6 and Efficiency Rating from the battles played on this particular day) — Minimap (you …