[] Remove annoying sound from dying tanks
Hello, everyone! Here is a small mod that prohibited unnecessary noise. This mod remove annoying sound from dying tanks.
Hello, everyone! Here is a small mod that prohibited unnecessary noise. This mod remove annoying sound from dying tanks.
We would like to present you new and interesting mod. Mod autoaim indication+snapping+addins for WOT 9.15.1 Friends, we present you mod easy and simple to use. Mod autoaim. In place of a yellow label «AUTO» you will see name of the tank which you are aiming. Mod has one more …
CrewSkillInformer mod that will show crew’ skills and perks in the batlle window. Also you can use this mod in replays but it must be your replays. Mod will show actual info from session file not from time the replay was created by the game.
We present one interesting modification. Elkano’s Minimap Ping Spam Blocker. You can understand how it works from the title. This mod will will block minimap ping spam by enforcing certain restrictions.
Tankers! We offer you another version sound mod but not usual. Mod will work only when you destroy enemy tank. And when this happen mod will greet you with fun and encouraging phrases. That’s why mod called “Die”. Author made mod for himself but decided to share with everyone.
Many modifications include in this mod. Such as: Damage Panel, HitLog, Angle Indicator, Center CTRL Repair and Repair Timer. This mod is a part of Solo modpack but now you do not need to download all modpack to use modifications. But Repair Timer and Center CTRL Repair modifications are not working yet.
Squeezed textures for patch The following were compressed textures tanks: shared_content, misc, maps. Compressed files clouds. Textures are compressed to 25% Note: Textures are not compatible with the skin is broken. In the settings for textures exhibit a minimum-quality graphics.
One more sight to choose from. Minimalistic, square sight for World of Tanks 9.15.1. Author of mod is Andre_V. The sight is not overloaded, has 8 different information in the archive, good looks on the screen. This sight will help you to achieve great results in the battle.
For lovers World of Tanks, we found an interesting modification. Mod, which will replace the standard icons on historical photos soldiers of World War II. Author specially engaged search of real photographs of soldiers in wartime. On photo presents a real person. This modification will soulfulness in the game. The author deliberately …
In the category forbidden mods there are a large number of mods with an smart, automatic autoaim. Such mods do all important job and player only must make a shot. But these mods, have one huge minus – punishment from WG. Today we present a smart autoaim from category official mods, which can be used without any …