Advanced Configure DebugPanel (Ping, FPS) for WOT 0.9.17

Earlier was very popular mod Debug panel changes, it is located in the upper left corner and displays the ping and FPS. Old versions of this mod gave minimal chances of its settings. But with the help of mod extended setting DebugPanel (Ping, FPS) for WOT 0.9.17 you can change it …

“Lamp” voice mod sixth sense for WOT 0.9.17

“Lamp” voice  mod  of sixth sense for WOT 0.9.17 that will always be on the alert comes on and give you 10 second timer to run. Many tankers are addicted to the battle that sometimes do not see information about glare and as a result are dead. With this mod …

Mod: Indicator – Enhanced display of avtopritsel [0.9.17]

Updated 14/12/2016 Description: Using avtopritsel very useful, especially when you start to turn somebody, or simply aim is not moving. Seizing it, you no longer need to drive a mouse and trying to aim his weapon at her. This invention is a miracle, most tankers learned after the introduction of …

Sixth Sense Siren (voice) WOT 0.9.17

This mod is an effective that with it you will always know that you are in glare and you have a time to escape. Also you will know how long will light your tank. Mod representated in 4 versions, so it will not get tired quickly. Author of mod are Andre_V and  wow-clear.

Hangar “The Day of tanker” for WOT 0.9.17

Here is a new and exciting hangar. Hangar «The Day of tanker» for WOT 0.9.17 The author of the mod are WG team. This guys really did their best. Hangar really has the military spirit. On each side of the hangar located boards with elements of combat training, as well …

Voice acting from Call of Duty for WoT 9.17

Hello! Here is an interesting mod for you. Voice acting from Call of Duty for WoT Sound from Call of Duty for WoT it is sound that reflects the voice from World War II. Therefore, it is the best fit for the game World of Tanks.

English voice of Strategic Music. Steel Foxes [0.9.17]

English voice of Strategic Music. Steel Foxes  [0.9.17] This mod has the presence about 750 different original phrases that will make your game more intense and exciting. This mod is a voice reaction of crew full of humor, irony, anger… Well all real emotions.

Mod calculator of tank armor for WOT 0.9.17

We offer one of the best mods for calculating of booking tanks. One of the most useful and functional calculators of armor include in part of mod P-mod. But to use a modification, you need to download and install many additional modifications and it is not very convenient. Therefore modders Poliroid and Ekspoint decided …