Wide damage indicator for WOT

There are 4 different ways of damage indicators on our site, but none of them do not fit for the game on large monitors or for people with poor eyesight. So we decided to add a damage indicator for WOT, which is perfect for such purposes. It looks quite …

Color damage indicator with timer for WOT

Color damage indicator with timer for WOT combines the functionality of marker enemy attack and reload timer. Now you will see not only where you are shooting for, but in addition will be displayed timer from the last date of receipt damage. And if you know exactly what tank was …

Autoaim for arty World of Tanks

Artillery fans I think this mod will be useful. A large number of sights already have built autoaim function, both legal and not. Today, we want to offer autoaim for artillery. The purpose autoaim to capture the enemy tank on autoaim and shot. In the standard version this is not possible.

Transparent interface in the battle for World of Tanks

If you want to change the normal battle interface, then this mod is for you. It has aesthetic and practical benefits. Firstly you change the visual image of battle interface to the new, completely transparent. Secondly, all the elements of recyclable: games account panel rows with different messages and information, formulations ears teams …

Transparent damage panel for WOT

No wonder many tankers prefer minimalist mods, because such mods not only provide important information and their views do not distract from the game. Today we offer a similar mod. Completely clear the log of the damage. Imagine you have caused damage and you get all the necessary information about the …

Tank icons Peqpepu D-T, Black_Spy, BufferOverflow for WOT

Initially, the author did mod for himself, but later it was decided to share this mod with everyone. Author of mod is BufferOverflow. Icons are distinguished by their variety and informative. Firstly, these icons will be visible in the personal file, list of the players in action and download maps and period in …

Lion lamp sixth sense + lion roaring for WOT

adapted to; Description: Do you feel youself mega cool gamer? Then Lion sixth sense mod + growl you definitely fit! It will replace DEFAULT dull lamp in the image of a beautiful lion with a growl during your glare. Adapted for World of Tanks Installation:

Damage panel from Chinese players for WOT

One of the most popular damage panel for World of Tanks – is Gambiter panel. For those who do not know – it is a damage panel, which gives the player damage log with recharge time. Such information will be very useful because you really will know how much time you …