WoW style XVM 9.18

Here is one more mod for you. WoW style XVM 9.18 This is a full XVM configuration designed to make efficiency colors like in a Warcraft’s. Player efficiency will be colored with the World of Warcraft’s default quality (rarity) ratings, like below:

[0.9.18] XVM KISS Interface

Updated — 01.05.2017 Updated to 0.9.18 Grandpa’s KISS Interface Uses the latest version of the XVM KISS Interface Features: — Using XVM Client 6.1.6 fully customizable in the XVM.xvmconf file. — Custom Over Taget Markers (OTM) via XVMConf, stock markers can be used — Custom minimap via XVMConf, stock minimap …

Benoz’s XVM Config for WoT [9.18]

Hi, tankers! We have good mod for you!Benoz’s XVM Config. This mod has such mods: — Statistics Panel(You’re able to manage your efficiency-Rating, Win/Lose Ratio and your WN8 Rating) — Session Statistics(It shows your WN8, WN6 and Efficiency Rating from the battles played on this particular day) — Minimap (you …

Animated lamp 6th senses with voice for WOT 0.9.18

You may have seen and install a lot of mods sixth senses, but I’m sure such mod like this  you have not seen. Mod Animated lamp 6th senses with voice for WOT 0.9.18 make your static lamp animated and  also add no annoying voice of sixth sense. Now you will not miss …

Prudenter Icons (with 3D-models and flags) 0.9.18

We present for you a Prudenter Icons for WOT 0.9.18 Updated 27/04/2017 We present you exciting mod Prudenter Icons (with 3D-models and flags) 0.9.18 Background colors: TT — Grey PT — Blue ST — Yellow LT — Green ACS — Red

Zoom x30 sniper mode for sight WOT 0.9.18

Because of increasing accuracy in patch 0.8.6 zoom x30 became integral part of the set of mods for each tanker. Because with it you can make a closer sniper scope not x8 as standard but x30, which will be enough to see the enemy at long range and successfully make a shot. …

Hitzones “Estet” from ProTanki for World of Tanks 9.18

We have recently presented a new and useful hitzone mod from Jove. Today we will have an improved and very comfortable mod hit zones from popular modder ProTanki. The essence of mods hit zones is to inform players about all the strengths and weaknesses enemy’s spot. If you will strike on the enemy armored place …

Witblitz Icons & TORQue Contour Mod [9.18]

Here is the most popular icons for you. Witblitz Icons + TORQue Contour Mod Set of options WITBLITZ icons have recently become a very popular among tankers. Here you have several options WITBLITZ icons in a rectangular style for WOT 0.9.18.

Contour hitzones of Korean Random for 9.18

UPDATE: 27.04.2017 – Adapting to the client version 0.9.18 Skins with hitzones of the modules for World of Tanks 0.9.18 This mod will allow anyone to learn to shoot well, and most importantly do damage with every shot. Perfect not only for beginners but also for experienced players.