Battle mission 2.0 in 9.19

In the update 0.9.19 the combat tasks have changed significantly. List of changes and revisions of new battle missions: Changed the visual and functional part of the window of combat tasks and actions; In the hangar there was a new item “battle tasks”, through which you can get to the corresponding …

RaidenSLO MODPACK 9.18

Mods includes: – XVM 6.6.5 (6575) – Hangar with clock, server ping, – SixthSense mod – Sounds – PMOD mod – Countor icons – AntiToxicity – Battle Assistant – Sword of Damocles – Dead white tanks – more about 20 mods

[0.9.18] J1mB0’s Contour Icon Mod v1.61

Colored icons for vehicle type indication and with nation icons and tier numbers. Author: J1mB091. Compatible with the 0.9.18 update Update 11.05.2017 What’s new in 1.61? — World of Tanks v.9.18 supported

Сrew voice Minions for World of Tanks 0.9.18

Crew Minions  voice for World of Tanks 0.9.18 will change tankers voice and amusing cartoon characters phrase from “Despicable Me.” Modification will not be able to improve your game, but copes with the task of improving your mood at the time of the battle.

Mod “Colored hits” for WOT 0.9.18

If you installing this mod you will always see the visual result of your hit on the enemy. Mod «Colored hit» really makes all your hits bright and colorful like in paintball. It is very convenient when you can immediately assess the degree of damage inflicted by you and your …

Master Ambush mod for WOT 0.9.18

Here is a mod for automatically calculate chance for glare after the shot [Master Ambush] for WOT 0.9.18. This is the first mod which will show you whether your tank glare after the shot or not. At the moment, it has no analogue. While it is not prohibited and can be used …

Painted tracks in white for World of Tanks 0.9.18

Hi, Tankers! We represent you painted tracks for World of Tanks 0.9.18 It will help you to conduct aimed fire on the enemy rollers. Now they will stand out clearly white on a dark background rest of the tank. I think no one will refute the statement that stopped the tank …