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XVM Config

[] BOGRAD’s clean and simple XVM config

As you know today was release micropatch For this patcn we present new XVM config 6.8.1 from BOGRAD. It is a simple and clean XVM configuration that will like for many players. On the screenshots below you can see how to use mod.

J1mB0’s XVM Config 6.7.2 []

Hi, tankers! Here is a usefulJ1mB0’s XVM Config 6.7.2 XVM Config 6.7.2 J1mB0 is a configuration that includes a mini-map, HitLog, damage panel and its settings. changes in version 6.7.2 — World of Tanks v9.19.0.1 supported

[0.9.18] XVM KISS Interface

Updated — 01.05.2017 Updated to 0.9.18 Grandpa’s KISS Interface Uses the latest version of the XVM KISS Interface Features: — Using XVM Client 6.1.6 fully customizable in the XVM.xvmconf file. — Custom Over Taget Markers (OTM) via XVMConf, stock markers can be used — Custom minimap via XVMConf, stock minimap …