[0.9.14] The irreplaceable set of sights for World of Tanks

Among the huge selection of different sights we present varient worthy of your attention.
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There are sights in the sight category, scopes that have a lot of advantages. Each sight special because it has its advantages. What can be better than the set of the best useful and functional scopes. Today we present you such mod.

About this mod you can see in the video

Irreplaceable set of sights for World of Tanks is an assembly of three different scopes: arcade, sniper and arty sights. All three different but very popular among players. The first option — a compact and minimalist sight, second sight is a similar to the popular Taipan 2, and the third — an analogue of the standard sight, is known for its excellent reports.


The irreplaceable set of sights (2 MB)

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